A Year of Pelvic (Yoni) Steaming: Valuing the Present
Happy 2020!
There is something so bittersweet this time of year. Not only does it mark a new year and new decade but it also a time of growth and passing: my oldest son was born New Years day. When our family celebrates, it’s a gentle reminder that another year passes, and it is physically measurable in my eldest’s growth. If you are a parent, you know that some days it feels like time is going so slow. Then a major milestone occurs and all of sudden you realize how far you and your child have come. Things that were once difficult has become less so. Their independence and self-sufficiency increases, as well as the chaos and mess. When one is making one’s own breakfast with cereal and milk mostly in the bowl, but also on the dining table, chair, and floor, and the dog is now lapping it up, it’s in these moments, I have the great realization that time passes whether we are paying attention or not. These events are consistent reminder to me: to value the present.
““If you love someone, the greatest gift you can give them is your presence.” ”
I have to admit, presence is an elusive concept to me at times. It’s very easy to disassociate and get what I refer to as: spacey, flighty, or airy. Getting present for me requires effort. One would think that my earthy Virgo sun would allow me ease in getting grounded. I constantly give this energy off; I am grounded, un-swayed, and seemingly do not seem to let anything affect me. This is the exact opposite of my internal world, my Libra moon. Being an empath, I feel everything and everyone. I am extremely sensitive. I am dreamy, airy and often in my own created reality. In my world, everything and everyone is beautiful, and I am BFFs with all, there is no hatred, no ugliness, just pure love. Who wouldn’t want to stay in this dreamy realm?
What does this have to do with pelvic steaming you ask? Everything! Nothing brings me more back into my body and back to ME. Creating the ritual around steaming, carving out the time to do it, and making it a regular practice has cultivated a new awareness around presence in my life. The act of pelvic steaming stimulates the first and second chakras. This steam, combined with a specific blend of herbs, allows the body awareness of these spaces we inhabit on infrequent occasions. As soon as I sit on my stool and the steam reaches up through my yoni, through the vaginal canal, the experience is that of arriving back in my physical form. The awareness to my vessel, my body, my container of creation. My pelvic floor, hung like hammocks with muscles that support and elevate our reproductive, urinary and bowel organs. I can sense all the intricacies of this beautiful body my soul resides in. Maybe I shall refer to this is present awareness. Oh, I like that term.
This past year has been rough, really rough. Emotionally, physically, spiritually a test of faith in myself, in spirit, and how much my physical form could handle. Throughout this all, steaming has allowed me to carve out time, if only briefly, to reclaim that present awareness that is often elusive when inundated with emails, texts, and other work or child rearing related distractions. It is a gift I keep giving myself, because after the 10 minutes is up, I try to embody the feeling the rest of the night into the next day and week until it is time to steam again. I consistently try to find my center. To honor her and move from that place. It’s an honor to listen to that cycle, to find the solid yet empty space within, and create from that source.
““Giving yourself present awareness is the art of practicing self-love.” ”
What is your 2020 present awareness asking you to pay attention to? Does your center, your womb have something to say? The Yoni Yurt is available to help facilitate this reclamation to yourself. The time to awaken and return to your present awareness of your center is now.
With love,